Whatever Happened to Baby Jane Does Blanche Die
"Butcha are, Blanche! Ya are in that chair!"
What e'er happened to Babe Jane?
To her smiling, her golden pilus?
Why must everything exist so unfair?
Is at that place no one left to care
What really happened to Baby Jane?
A 1962 Psychological Thriller motion-picture show directed by Robert Aldrich, starring Bette Davis and Joan Crawford.
Aging sisters Blanche (Crawford) and "Babe" Jane Hudson (Davis) live together in a decaying mansion in Hollywood. Jane had been a vaudeville child star in the 1910s, merely her fame disappeared a long fourth dimension ago. Blanche, meanwhile, was a successful pic extra in the '30s, but was crippled in a mysterious motorcar accident involving Jane.
Jane is mentally disturbed, an alcoholic, and greatly resents Blanche. When she learns that Blanche plans to sell the mansion and put her in a sanitarium, things really offset to get downhill. Jane's mental state gradually worsens, and she becomes emotionally and physically abusive to her sister, eventually holding her hostage.
Followed two years later by a Spiritual Successor, Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte, too directed by Aldrich and starring Davis, only with Olivia de Havilland in the Crawford role. Aldrich dipped into the genre a 3rd time in 1969 past producing (though not directing) What Ever Happened To Aunt Alice, starring Geraldine Page and Ruth Gordon. Baby Jane itself was remade in 1991 as a Made-for-TV Movie, starring real-life sisters Lynn and Vanessa Redgrave as Jane and Blanche. It doesn't seem to accept been poorly received by critics, but information technology didn't make much of an impression either.
The making of the original picture was dramatized in the 2017 FX anthology series Feud, with Jessica Lange as Joan Crawford and Susan Sarandon as Bette Davis.
Contains examples of:
- A Minor Kidroduction: The movie's prologue takes place in 1917 when the eponymous Baby Jane and Blanche are very young, at the pinnacle of Babe Jane's career.
- Accommodation Dye-Job: Jane is blonde and Blanche is brunette in the original. In the remake, Jane becomes a redhead and Blanche at present has grey pilus.
- In the original novel, Jane is the brunette and Blanche the blonde; adult Blanche'south cute blonde hair is what launches her into stardom.
- Adaptational Heroism: As in the volume, Blanche is revealed every bit the culprit behind the accident that crippled her. But the book likewise reveals that Blanche prevented Jane from seeking psychiatric assistance afterwards, worrying that she would remember what happened if she did. This is left out of the movie.
- Adapted Out: The book states that the two girls went to live with their aunt after their parents died of influenza, and that was how Blanche got into films. The movie just cuts from 1917 to 1935 when Blanche is already a movie star, with no mention of an aunt.
- The Alcoholic: Jane, who's reduced to imitating Blanche's voice to order liquor when the shop is told not to serve her anymore.
- Alone with the Psycho: Due to being paralyzed from the waist downward, Blanche spends the bulk of the film trapped in her business firm with her increasingly mentally unstable sister.
- Aluminum Christmas Trees: While "I've Written a Alphabetic character to Daddy" was invented for this movie, it's a parody of a very real song called "I Desire A Pardon for Daddy"
, itself only 1 of a small universe of popular vaudeville tearjerkers written from the perspective of young children with dead/imprisoned parents, with titles such as "Roses On Mother'due south Grave" (the roses dear Mother tended with such care now decorate her grave), "The Empty Chair" (a list of all the chairs in which dearest Father will never sit again), and "Mother Never Laughs Anymore" (the lyrics are unclear if Mother is grieving Father or if she stopped laughing because she herself is expressionless). Point being, "I've Written a Letter to Daddy" may be a parody, but information technology'south barely an exaggeration.
- Asshole Victim: Blanche, equally it turns out: she was the driver in the infamous car crash, having tried to run Jane over, only to miss and break her back due to crashing the car. She'south spent all the years since then letting Jane, who doesn't call back things correctly due to having been drunk at the time, believe she was indeed the i who bedridden Blanche and forcing her to wait on her hand and foot.
- Ax-Crazy: Jane devolves into this.
- Beauty Equals Goodness: Jane has anile horribly and is the antagonist, whereas Blanche has aged gracefully. Subverted with the reveal that Blanche tried to kill Jane and let her believe that she was the attacker all these years. annotation This is mostly due to the different arroyo of the two leading actresses: Bette Davis had groovy fun looking terrible, and even devised her own makeup, while Joan Crawford wanted to await as skilful as possible, and prevented any attempts to turn her ugly.
- Dazzler Inversion: Bette Davis happily did this to play Jane, equally noted above. Joan Crawford on the other paw struggled to look unattractive for the role - wanting to have impeccable hair and brand-upwards, despite being an invalid who hadn't left her room in xx years. Although, in the book, it is mentioned multiple times that Blanche had aged gracefully and kept her adept looks.
- Big Fancy Business firm: Jane and Blanche'south mansion. Information technology's pointed out that the firm is too difficult to maintain, so Blanche is planning to relocate to a smaller bungalow.
- Bitch Alert: The moment Jane steps off the stage in her beginning scene y'all know she's going to be problem.
- Bitch in Sheep'due south Vesture: Blanche, who turns out to have actually crippled herself trying to run her sis over.
- Black-and-White Morality: Subverted; the pic is set then you become in believing Jane is the "evil sister" and Blanche is the "good sister". In reality, as is revealed over the motion-picture show, it's really a example of Blackness-and-Gray Morality: Blanche tried to murder her sister dorsum when they were movie stars, merely missed and crippled herself. This ultimately leads to Jane going insane, partly due to guilt, and eventually she turns murderous every bit a result of her damaged heed.
- Black Dude Dies First: Elvira is the first and, if Blanche survived, only grapheme to die in the film.
- Cain and Abel: Jane and Blanche Hudson, respectively. Until it turns out that this whole sad mess began because Blanche tried to exist the Cain figure, but to get some Laser-Guided Karma.
- Army camp: On the surface it's a basic Psychological Thriller, but with two grand old Hollywood divas engaged in Ham-to-Ham Combat, plus some of the wackier elements of the story (similar Jane serving Blanche a rat for dinner), it chop-chop gained an over-the-meridian reputation that'southward made it an indelible
Cult Classic.
- Chekhov's Boomerang: Jane mimics Blanche's voice mockingly early on in the motion picture. She and then exploits this skill to pretend to be Blanche and get some alcohol ordered for herself. When Blanche is trying to telephone the doctor for help, Jane is as well able to imitate her vocalisation to say everything is fine.
- Cold Ham: In stark contrast to some of his other roles, Victor Buono plays almost all of his scenes as Edwin with quiet, immeasurable loathing for the people around him. It'due south not until he gets drunk and loosens upward that he becomes a truthful Big Ham.
"Hither I come, the SUPER CHIEF!" (Giggling)
- Cool Car: Jane's 1931 Duesenberg Model J roadster (in the 1935 scenes) and 1947 Lincoln Continental convertible (in the "nowadays twenty-four hour period" part of the pic).
- Creepy Child: Little Blanche, who seems to spend all of Jane's shows fixing her with a Expiry Glare.
- Creepy Doll: The Babe Jane Hudson doll — creepy and menacing before anything even happens.
- Curse Cut Short: Jane calling Blanche a bitch is drowned out by the sound of the buzzer.
- Cute, but Cacophonic: Baby Jane's singing voice comes off as somewhat shrill, even for a little girl.
- Daddy's Daughter: Jane seems to favor her father, who indulges her whenever she throws tantrums. The volume implies that his sudden decease from influenza is what helped contribute to her alcoholism.
- Deathbed Confession: On the beach, when Blanche thinks that she'south dying, she tells Jane the truth about the automobile accident.
- Dark Reprise:
- Daylight Horror: Blanche's presumed death, and Jane'south final descent into madness, take identify at a crowded beach on a sunny day.
- Dead Brute Warning: Jane begins denying Blanche food, until she serves Blanche's dead pet parakeet—and, at a later meal, a dead rat—to her on a dinner platter
- Defrosting Ice Queen: A actually nighttime example. Jane starts off the film every bit a grumpy and biting old woman only as she gets herself farther into problem she unravels and behaves more like a frightened child.
- The Canis familiaris Bites Back: Jane snaps and starts abusing Blanche due to finding out Blanche has, after years of exploiting her like a servant, decided to simply send her to a mental constitute. This is made all the more karmic when it's revealed Blanche wasn't crippled past Jane like she told everyone; she crippled herself by accident when trying to cripple/kill Jane.
- The Catastrophe Changes Everything: Let's just say in that location's a very skillful reason the film'due south poster warns you to watch the motion-picture show from the beginning and not give away the climax, considering it almost completely changes how yous'll come across the motion-picture show afterward.
- Fifty-fifty Evil Has Standards: Edwin may be a slimy greaseball who's just going subsequently Jane for her money, simply when he sees Blanche all tied up, he immediately runs out the door and contacts the police.
- Evil Cripple: Blanche is revealed as this, having crippled herself whilst attempting to run her sister over with a car, then taking advantage of her sis'due south drunken amnesia to convince her and the public that Jane was the i who ran Blanche over.
- Evil All Along: Blanche was endlessly bitter about the preferential treatment her sister got equally a kid. The state of affairs only declined farther when they were adults, equally their careers were tied together. Every motion picture Blanche made, i had to be fabricated with Jane, and Jane couldn't act; significant every flop Jane fabricated damaged Blanche's career. Finally Blanche had plenty, and tried to kill her sister, but ended upwardly crippling herself. Blanche fabricated it look like Jane was responsible; even Jane believed this, since she was drunk, and couldn't think the night. Thus, she was forced to live with guilt for the rest of her life. Even so bitter, Blanche forced her sister to wait on her hand and foot for thirty years before Jane loses her mind, and The Dog Bites Dorsum.
- Fake Boobs: According to Bette Davis in a 1987 interview with Barbara Walters, Joan Crawford wore a pair during the beach scene, and refused to give them upward because she did not want to be seen on film having her natural breasts fall off to the side as they would while she was lying down. Having had to compromise much of her glamour for the sake of the part of Blanche, the false breasts, Davis said, were the one thing Crawford refused to budge on, and they nearly knocked Davis unconscious when she had to run and fall on Crawford.
- The Motion picture of the Book: Adjusted from the 1960 novel of the aforementioned name by Henry Farrell.
- Old Child Star: Jane, who had a vaudeville act dorsum in 1917 but couldn't brand information technology equally an actress in Hollywood. In the nowadays, she's a biting mentally disturbed alcoholic who still dresses like a piddling daughter and is unable to accept that nobody even remembers "Baby Jane" anymore.
- Foreshadowing: Blanche tries to convince Jane that the house was bought by Blanche's money, just for Jane to quickly retort that the house was bought with "Baby Jane" money. Blanche insists that Jane is misremembering, just for her sister to castor her off. Information technology's a hint that Blanche has fabricated a habit of preying on Jane'southward faulty memory.
- Gaslighting: Jane's whole purpose in life seems to exist torturing Blanche past making her experience defenseless and isolated. It gets and then bad that Blanche won't even swallow the dinners Jane fixes for her, assuming that she's serving her something disgusting. But the twist reveals it was actually the other style around: Blanche spent decades assuasive Jane to falsely believe she'd caused Blanche's accident, turning Jane into an utter psychological mess.
- Giftedly Bad: Jane. She is a terrible extra, can't sing and could just dance as a kid. Jane herself thinks her talent defines her, and believes information technology is the ane affair she can never lose. Ironically she'due south very adept at imitating Blanche's vocalization, suggesting she could have cultivated other skills if she'd tried.
- Gold Cage: Blanche'due south room is quite dainty, but unfortunately her sister wouldn't let her get out.
- Girlish Pigtails: Jane in the remake instead wears her hair in pigtails.
- The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry: Ane of the most extreme examples.
- Glurge: Invoked and parodied with "I've Written a Letter to Daddy", an atrocious, maudlin vaudeville number almost a little girl who sends a love note stamped with kisses to her father in Heaven. It's get-go heard performed by Debbie Burton in the near quavering, histrionic, off-key way imaginable, just to brand information technology all sillier; it gets even creepier when Jane, at present over 55 and with her actual male parent long dead, performs it once again.
- Expert Colors, Evil Colors: The fact that Jane is blonde and wears white, while Blanche has black hair and wears nighttime clothes, should be the starting time inkling that all is not as it seems. Information technology'southward especially noticeable because Blanche'due south name means "white."
- Gold Digger: Edwin is repulsed by Jane, but he withal wines and dines her hoping to milk the situation for all it'due south worth.
- Hair of Gold, Center of Gilt: Jane's paradigm as a child star was this - with angelic gold curls and a sweetheart persona. Out of character, she was near certainly not.
- Hate Sink: Invoked so brilliantly subverted in the twist ending. Jane'southward actions towards Blanche, regardless of whether she's mentally ill or not, are unreasonably roughshod and despicable, and the film loves milking every opportunity it can to make you hate her even more while making yous root for Blanche, so you want to run across Jane eventually brought to justice. This is crucial for the final twist, where earlier Jane is really arrested, we discover Blanche's true nature, which paints Jane'southward deportment and personality, horrible every bit they may be, in a much more tragic low-cal.
- She Knows Too Much: Jane murders Elvira, later on she finds out that Jane is keeping Blanche every bit a convict.
- Insane Troll Logic: While explaining how they can run away from the constabulary and never be found, Jane delightedly remarks that they'll get to the beach and "live at the seashore all the time", where she'll invite anybody to come and visit them.
- Intimate Hair Brushing: In the remake, there's a Pet the Dog moment betwixt the sisters is when Blanche gets Jane to launder her hair and rummage information technology. Unfortunately, Jane then starts cutting information technology.
- I Was Quite a Looker: Jane was an angelic footling girl and a reasonably bonny young woman only has now grown old and is a consummate mess. In contrast, Blanche has aged well plenty.
- Kick the Dog: Jane kills Blanche's pet bird, and serves it to her on a dinner plate.
- Kubrick Stare: Edwin gives Jane a long, nighttime stare as they negotiate exactly how much Jane intends to pay him, and when.
- Lady Drunk: The central disharmonize of the movie was actually acquired by Jane being ridiculously drunk at a party. In her Hollywood days she was known for being a drunken mess on gear up.
- Large Ham: Bette Davis' portrayal of Jane. Joan Crawford has a few moments too, resulting in Ham-to-Ham Combat.
- Laser-Guided Karma: Blanche was crippled as a result of a automobile crash she caused while trying to kill her sister, Jane.
- Leitmotif: Jane has a soft instrumental version of "I've Written a Letter to Daddy", and Blanche has a gentle, ascent and falling tune.
- Lite Is Not Good:
- Jane equally a child looked angelic — with golden ringlets and dressing in frilly white dresses. But she was an immature brat. She nonetheless wears the same dress as an adult, where she's the antagonist.
- 'Blanche' means white, and it turns out that Blanche is the one who tried to impale Jane.
- The Load: Each Hudson sister was this at one point. Equally children, in dissimilarity to Jane, Blanche was plain-looking, untalented, and non marketable as a vaudeville deed, so her Phase Mom begetter disliked her. When she grew up and became a successful picture actress, her career was contractually tied to that of Jane, who, in addition to beingness a terrible extra, was besides a drunkard who engaged in scandalous sexual behavior. Past the moving-picture show's present day, they are both this and elevate each other down so much that neither is able to live annihilation resembling a healthy or functional lifestyle.
- Madness Makeover: Jane went from being a very pretty but troubled young woman, to a crazy old biddy who never washes her face, styles her pilus in ringlets and looks more dishevelled as her grip on sanity loosens. When Jane no longer feels guilt over crippling her sister, the reverse happens — her wrinkles disappear and she looks similar a happy daughter.
- Male Gaze: On the Studio Lot in 1935, the producer eyes off a Cocktail Dancer'due south rump as she struts by.
- May–December Romance: l-something Jane and 20-something Edwin seem to be making tentative moves toward i, but it'south more out of convenience and agony than anything else.
- Momma'southward Boy: Edwin, who's well into adulthood and still lives with his mother. She fifty-fifty pretends to be his secretary to help him get jobs.
- My Beloved Smother: Edwin's mother is very clingy and possessive, and gets jealous when he starts spending his time with Jane.
- Squeamish Graphic symbol, Hateful Actor: Jane was a cutesy Shirley Temple-esque child star and a horrible spoilt brat offstage.
- Nosy Neighbour: Mrs. Bates and her daughter oftentimes speculate on their once-famous neighbors and go along a close centre on their comings-and-goings. Might be chosen a subversion, in that for a while it seems as if the moving picture might be setting them up as Blanche'south rescuers, just in spite of their marvel, they never detect out what's really happening next door.
- Not Allowed to Grow Up: A cocky-inflicted case. Jane however dresses as she did when she was a child, styling her hair in ringlets, refusing to believe that her Glory Days are long gone.
- Zippo Is Scarier: A small moment when after Jane escapes with Blanche to the beach, it shows Jane happily building a sandcastle with Blanche nowhere in sight, giving the implication that Jane might have buried her. Eventually, the camera does pan to prove that Blanche is still present and alive (barely).
- One-Hit Wonder: In-universe instance: Jane with "I've Written a Letter of the alphabet to Daddy." invoked She did appear to have other songs, but that appeared to be her most requested one.
- Oh, Crap!: Blanche hearing the door swing airtight, realizing Jane is dwelling and listening while Blanche is calling the doctor for help.
- The Ophelia: Jane slips into this by the tertiary act of the film every bit her sanity slips. The final shot of the pic has her dancing effectually on the embankment, convinced the crowd are there to meet her perform.
- Psychopathic Womanchild:
- Despite being in her mid-fifties, Jane has the mental historic period of her x-year-old self. She dresses and acts like a trivial girl and is immature and impulsive fifty-fifty before her Sanity Slippage sends her completely off the deep stop.
- Though she hides it better, Blanche is also quite petty: murdering her ain sister out of pure sisterly rivalry, lying near information technology, and using that lie to abusively manipulate her ain sister for decades .
- Questioning Championship?
- Rage Against the Reflection: Jane when she gets a good look at herself in the dance mirror.
- Really Gets Effectually: Jane in the 30s was constantly going to bed with dissimilar men, office of the reason she was The Load to Blanche.
- Reclusive Artist: invoked Blanche disappeared from the public heart after her accident, and she'due south currently experiencing a revival in popularity, with her films getting featured on TV, with her appeal based in-role on marvel about what happened to her.
- Regal Ringlets: Jane styles her hair this way. Information technology looked youthful in 1917, but in 1962, not only has it long gone out of fashion, it looks age inappropriate and creepy.
- The Resenter: Both sisters. At unlike points in their lives, they resented the other'due south success.
- Reverse Relationship Reveal: Blanche has been abused and horrifically treated past her sister Jane, who crippled her for life while attempting to kill her. It was really Blanche who crippled herself trying to kill a drunken Jane, who remembers naught of that night, and on whom Blanche has manipulatively pinned her crippling.
- Rich Sibling, Poor Sibling: The movie has several reversals through a Decon-Recon Switch that is at the centre of the story. Showtime, Jane is the spoiled sis, as the dearest kid star and vaudeville act while her sister Blanche is shy and reserved. Then, afterwards Jane's human action falls out of favor, she becomes The Alcoholic and Blanche becomes an acclaimed prestige actress who leaves Jane totally in her shadow. Then it gets deconstructed after Blanche'due south machine accident, when she is dependent on Jane, which Jane uses to torture Blanche and become her revenge.
- Sanity Slippage: Jane is mentally disturbed from the get-go, and goes downhill over the course the film. At the end, she loses all contact with reality.
- Scary Jack-in-the-Box: The film opens with a little girl being freaked out past one of these in 1917.
- Self-Deprecation: When the filmmakers were looking for bad films of Bette Davis to use for Jane's bad films, she said any of her early 1930s ones would do.
- Shirley Template: "Baby" Jane Hudson.
- Shrine to Self: Jane has one of these in her room.
- Silver Fob: Blanche in the remake has grey hair (she'southward played by Vanessa Redgrave) but is nevertheless presented equally having aged gracefully.
- Sibling Rivalry: Jane was the famous sister in their childhood, while Blanche became the famous ane equally they grew older. Information technology'southward heavily unsaid that Jane resented this immensely, and then resents having to serve as Blanche'due south flagman. Likewise, Blanche resented Jane'due south childhood stardom and then the fact that, when their roles were reversed, Jane was a detriment to her own Hollywood success.
- Slipknot Ponytail: Blanche's pilus comes unraveled out of its updo equally Jane's treatment of her worsens.
- Pocket-size Proper noun, Large Ego: Jane has no idea that "Baby Jane Hudson" has been totally forgotten, and thinks lots of people would love to see her make a comeback.
- Sound-Result Bleep: When Blanche is buzzing for Jane, Jane mutters, "You... miserable BZZZZ."
- Spoiled Brat: Young Jane was similar this.
- Stage Dad: It's implied that the Hudson father was similar this, as he doesn't discipline Jane and indulges her at every opportunity. Past contrast, their mother seems to take been more reasonable.
- Stepford Smiler: Blanche has ever been a big one, but is forced to fake it even more to placate Jane as she gets crazier and more violent.
- Stylistic Suck:
- Early in the picture, studio executives watch scenes from Jane'south films, and note that she'south an atrocious actress. Yet, those were real scenes from the early movies of Bette Davis.
- "I've Written a Letter of the alphabet to Daddy" is extremely sappy to begin with, and becomes downright creepy when performed by the middle-anile, mentally disturbed Jane.
- Take Our Word for It: We never find out what Jane wrote about Blanche on the envelope containing her fan letters, with Elvira only saying, "I tin't remember the concluding time I saw words like that written downward". (In 1962, information technology probably would've been impossible to say such words in a moving-picture show.)
- Then Allow Me Be Evil: Since Jane thought she had crippled Blanche, she plain snapped and became cruel because she thought that she was a bad person and played the part of an evil sister. When she finds out she was totally innocent, she reverts to a sweet, innocent girl — note the use of soft lighting from then on.
- Timeshifted Role player: Jane and Blanche as children are played by June Allred and Gina Gillespie. Just averted with them equally young women. They're not shown from the waist upwards, and actual archive footage of Bette Davis and Joan Crawford was used for Jane and Blanche's films.
- Likewise Impaired to Alive: Elvira, despite knowing for a fact that Jane is mentally unstable, leaves a hammer within her accomplish and turns her back on her. She doesn't make information technology more than a few steps into Blanche's room before she's killed.
- Twist Ending: At the cease, the secret of the accident is revealed by Blanche. Information technology was idea by everybody (even Jane, who was drunk and couldn't remember) that she tried to kill Blanche, just it was actually the other way around. Blanche tried to run over Jane, who was able to get out of the manner in time, and instead Blanche snapped her own spine as the automobile crashed.
Jane : Yous mean all this fourth dimension, nosotros could accept been friends?
- The Unfavorite: Blanche in the 1910s. Her father seems to openly dislike her and though her mother is kinder to her, she is largely disregarded. It's quite possible the roles are reversed when the sisters go to alive with their aunt, who openly favors Blanche the same way their father favored Jane.
- Uncanny Valley Makeup: Jane, so, then much. Bette Davis suggested the idea she never washes her face up, she just cakes new makeup on every day.
- Uncertain Doom: If Blanche is however live past the end of the motion picture, she'due south certainly got a rough road alee of her, being an older disabled woman who has spent a long menstruation of time existence malnourished and physically abused. And that's non including the possibility of Jane becoming lucid enough to tell the world how Blanche really snapped her spine...
- The Unreveal: Does Blanche dice there on the beach, or not? We'll never know.
- Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Mrs Bates asks Jane about hiring Elvira, unknowingly revealing that she's but gone into the business firm to untie Blanche and rescue her. Jane then kills Elvira, disposes of the body and this leads to Blanche's eventual expiry likewise.
- Victoria's Secret Compartment: When Jane confronts Blanche almost the letter of the alphabet she tossed to Mrs. Bates, she yanks information technology out of her cleavage.
- Villain Protagonist: The story is focused on the unrepentantly horrible Jane. And the psychologically abusive Blanche.
- Villainous Breakdown: Jane goes completely insane at the end, and when she'south discovered by the police force, and as a crowd gathers around her, she starts her old song-and-trip the light fantastic toe routine.
- Voice Changeling: Jane can perfectly imitate Blanche's voice.
- Wham Line: Blanche's confession to Jane of the dark Blanche was paralyzed in a car wreck. An accident that Jane was led to believe for nearly thirty years was her doing.
Blanche: You weren't driving that night.
- What Have I Become?: Jane freaks out when she happens to glance in the mirror when she's reliving her child star career and sees her ravaged, sagging, horribly fabricated up face up staring back at her.
- White-Dwarf Starlet: Babe Jane, of grade. Also a Former Child Star. Just to complete the trifecta, from what little nosotros get to encounter of when she was a star, she was The Prima Donna. And she seems to accept stayed that way...
- Younger Than They Look: Jane looks like someone who'south in her 80s or 90s despite being in her 50s.
Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Film/WhatEverHappenedToBabyJane
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